About Us
RIGHT STEPS NETWORK MISSION STATEMENT: The purpose of our non-profit organization is to partner with churches and outreach facilities to promote religious activities conducive to spiritual growth for at-risk entities.
Churches refer to a Christian community (e.g., either the local congregation or a national or international body).
Outreach Facilities (e.g., organizations, associations, centers) that consist of counselors, mentors and those who seek to help others.
Religious Activities are events that will stimulate Spiritual Growth.
Enrichment Education (e.g., religious conferences, camps, workshops, classes, retreats)
Physical Fitness (e.g., religious fitness programs, church leagues, religious sports team)
Art Expression (e.g., religious audio/video, visual display)
Spiritual Growth relates to the awareness, guidance, discussion and practice of moral and ethical values concerning issues such as religion, academics, video of, health, substance abuse, etc.
At-Risk Entities (e.g., a minority, the low-income, inner city residences) that have or are in danger of failing in society because inadequate academic skills, knowledge, and attitudes to function as a responsible citizen of his or her community.
Latest Annual Report, governing documents and conflict of interest policy are available upon request.