Get Involved
Volunteers are important and the backbone of our organization. Volunteering is exciting, fun and rewarding.
Volunteers work with the at-risk through a one-to-one or as part of a group, but we have a need for volunteers of all kinds.
For example, do you enjoy special events like fund raising? Fund raisers are vital to our continued success in helping our community. Involvement opportunities include helping with the planning and holding of fund-raising and volunteer recognition events, clerical and administrative office activities and volunteer recruitment just to mention a few.
Evansville Youth Football League (EYFL) Program
Indiana Next Level (INL) Girls Youth Basketball Travel & Training Program
In addition to providing community services using RSN staff and volunteers, RSN actively seeks church and organizational collaborations to better provide community ministries, social services and mentoring programs.
Please Contact Us for more information on how you can get involved!