Right Steps Network support and assist the communities we serve through several projects (e.g. programs and services). Through our projects, RSN strives to improve the quality of life for low-income, underserved, disadvantaged at-risk children, youth and families.
RSN provides an array of diverse partnering projects:
Fabulous Girls Empowerment Program
Evansville Youth Football League (EYFL) Program
Indiana Next Level (INL) Girls Youth Basketball Travel & Training Program
How It Works
In practice as a Christian organization we will network different entities together to create Right Steps Network (RSN) program. Each RSN project will be based on specific Religious Activities that RSN will facilitate.
Because we understand that when you promote fun activities you will undoubtedly get the interest of those at-risk. This type of interaction makes the perfect opportunity to encourage spiritual growth as well as give exposure to faith.
When RSN creates new program you will see detailed information in the form of flyers, mailers, etc. These program initiatives will be funded by donations and grants. Our hope is that these types of Indiana grass-root start-up initiatives will filter into other communities, growing and expanding our mission to save the at-risk. All efforts are conducted by volunteers in the community. Our staff is a talented group of individuals committed to giving as much time as possible to a program.
Then each program is run by a team. A team consists of volunteers from a church and/or outreach facility. The members of the team are responsible for work, such as, administration, recruitment, training and coordinating the program they are assigned. Each team will be assigned a team leader.
The RSN Board will oversee all programs. The RSN Board consists of individuals that can provide overall direction and guidance of a RSN project. Each team leader will report to the RSN Board regularly on the status of each RSN program.